PE - Taekwondo and Rugby taster

On the 10th of November, TY classes 4E, 4G and 4H spent their 2 hour PE session doing taekwondo and rugby. The two hours were split between an hour of rugby and an hour of taekwondo. 

Former players of the New Zealand and Irish rugby teams taught the girls the basics of rugby. Rugby began with simple warm up and team games. Then the girls played tag rugby which highlighted the importance of working together as a team and communication. 

Taekwondo started the hour by simple warm ups. Then our facilitators started into the stance and punches. After practising punches on boxing pads, they moved onto kicks. After practising the kicks the girls had to practise using the punches and kicks together.

Overall, it was very interesting and fun to try the different sports as many girls aren't familiar with the two sports. It was an inspiring experience which reminded us of the fun of trying something new! A big thank you to the guest speakers for the taekwondo and rugby and PE teachers for organising it.

For girls interested in rugby, Skerries Rugby lub are welcome to new players, no experience required!

By Emma Jane Barry


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