Delphi Trip 2023

This October, TY students had a brilliant trip to Dephi Resort in Mayo. We travelled by bus and saw some of the most beautiful scenery. We were in for a 2 night stay packed with games, sports and lots of fun!

When we arrived at Delphi we were sorted into our rooms of ten and our activity groups. The first and last day we had one activity and on the second day we had two. The activities were different for each group every day, so we could try a great variety of different sports. The sports included: archery, orienteering, high ropes, climbing, abseiling and of course bog jumping!

Most people agree that some challenges were daunting but once we tried them, everyone was having a great time! 

Each evening, we would have one activity; either a forest walk or a campfire. The campfire involved us all heading into the forest and gathering around a campfire, singing songs and chatting. It was such an enjoyable time singing along to our instructors playing guitar and feeling closer as a year group! The forest walk was a great way to catch up with friends in a different group than you while looking at the amazing night sky. The stars looked beautiful from the forest! The second evening at Delphi we had a hilarious skit night. Each room had to come up with a comedy skit and perform in front of the year and teachers. Everyone was laughing, bonding and having a great time!

Overall, everyone had an amazing experience and came back to Lorbal with loads of new friends and memories.

By Kate Kearney


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