Radio Transmission Course

On the 25th of November, some of our TYs had the opportunity to learn all about radio broadcasting and a behind the scenes experience of the thought process behind making radio media. The all day workshop was an amazing experience full of knowledge about how learning the skills of broadcasting not only opens up the possibility of a future in media but also how the skills learnt can be transferred into everyday life. 

To start the day, the students learnt all about the history of radio in Ireland. From how it started to pirate radio stations; they heard all about the evolution of radio and how Ireland changed over time. The entire workshop was made even more interesting and engaging by the fabulous Frank of Tinpot who came into the school to put on the workshop for the girls. Even with the unfortunate issue that led to the students not being able to record their segments on the first day, it was still full of excellent lessons, laughs and insider tips and tricks to help them hone in on their communication skills.

After learning all about the evolution of radio in Ireland, the students delved into the world of advertisements and marketing. Dissecting what makes a good advertisement and even some of the psychology behind making an ad recognisable. From the 5 notes used by McDonald’s to the cleverness of word play; they were brought through the process behind these advertisements and what makes them effective. By the end of their crash course through advertisement, the girls wrote the script for their own 30 second ad which they then recorded using proper broadcasting equipment and technology on a later date.

After the advertisement segment, the girls then worked on making their own short podcast episode. They were able to pick a topic of their choice and plan out what kind of podcast they would make. From reviews of bad films to talking about mythology, there was a wide variety of topics and knowledge on display. 

On Wednesday the 7th of December, the girls were brought back together to complete their radio workshop experience with the recording of their scripts. The Boogie bus was brought into the school which was jam packed with all the equipment needed to capture the creativity of the scripts. It was a magical experience for all involved and shone a light on the world of radio. The girls were amazing and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Look out for these students for the future; they have a keen talent for radio!

Overall, the girls really enjoyed their experience and learnt a lot of new skills that they can apply to their future. We would highly recommend that anyone given the opportunity to take part in this course in the future do it as it is an experience that you will never forget! Many thanks to Tinpot for giving us the opportunity to put on this workshop for our students. It was an experience that they will never forget.

Written by Alex Smyth


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