Christmas Jumper Day

 Friday the 16th of December was the schools annual charity day for Saint Vincent De Paul. The day was helped set up by the TY fundraising committee with many activities on offer. That morning, there was carolling at both the train station and the school gates to greet the students for the day. When entering the gates, the fundraising team was there to collect donations for the much needed cause. 

The students were encouraged to dress festive with a prize for the most festive student in each year group. It was also the day where the winner of the teacher Christmas door was decided with Miss Briscoe winning with her amazing nutcracker display. Miss Bryne was in a close second place with her elf/teachers on the shelf fireplace design. 

During lunch, the teachers put on an amazing concert in the school hall. There was a large crowd who all joined in on the singing. The students even got their own time to shine with their rendition of Wham!'s "Last Christmas". It was truly a sight to behold; every year group together as one to sing songs and enjoy themselves. The teachers were also amazing with Mr. Daly, Mr. Higgins, Mr. McCarthy and Mr. O'Donnell was the band for the day, supplying music for everyone.

Near the end of the day, the winners of the Christmas raffle were announced with many prizes to be won. The fundraising team did a great job in securing many possible prizes to encourage all to try their luck at winning.

Overall it was a day of great entertainment and excitement for all. It was a really well organised and successful day for all. It was truly enjoyed by all involved.

Written by Alex Smyth


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