TY Clothing swap 

On Tuesday, October 22nd, a class from this years Transition Year JPIC class organised a clothes swap. The clothes swap was organised to raise awareness about the fast fashion industry’s impact on the environment and to encourage students to shop second hand. 

The JPIC group had been organising the clothes swap since September, and had been collecting clothes for this over the past week. They had also been setting up the stage for the clothes swap during their double JPIC module. 

A slideshow was also set up to educate students on the negative impacts the fashion industry has on our planet. The girls managed to collect over 200 unwanted items of clothing from 4th years, which a large number of these items were rehomed to new owners.

The girls were overjoyed with the positive reaction from their classmates and the large amount of clothes that they collected. The clothes swap was held in the hall at lunchtime, and had a brilliant atmosphere and received great reviews from students, with an average rating of 9.5 out of 10. 

Overall, the clothes swap was a brilliant success and everybody found something that they liked. The JPIC group said that they would love to organise another clothes swap in the near future. 

Written by Eve Ryan.

Edited by Hannah Dunne


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