The French Play
On Monday the 14th of October 2019, our school was visited by theatre students from France who performed an interactive play for the French students in our year. The atmosphere in the room during the performance was phenomenal. The play itself was very engaging and interactive with a very interesting plot of the three main characters devising a plan to rob a bank. It was very inclusive for all levels of French with the actors exaggerating all movements so the punchlines to every joke were conveyed to everyone in the audience. The hall was full of laughter throughout the entire act. The cast were accompanied by a few French students from our school who performed and had been given their lines in class beforehand on stage alongside them. It was a great opportunity for us to listen to French accents and will definitely help in our pronunciation and understanding in our leaving cert aural and oral exams. Overall it was a very enjoyable experience and a nice way to practice our French. C’était super! 

Written by Grace Kodia
Edited by Megan Keightley


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